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What is LEI Search?
A unique feature of Legal Entity Identifiers is the open database created by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). Companies can use this open database to add value in areas such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML checks. The transparency of entity identification helps create business transactions with higher levels of trust and lower levels of fraud or malicious activity.
The LEI search tool allows you to see;
an entities ownership structure,
headquarter address,
LEI issuer,
verification status,
LEI issuance date,
last modified date and
renewal date.
How Do I Use LEI Search?
Anyone can access and use the LEI Search tool to find an existing LEI.
You can search by company name or by LEI Number and the search tool will find and display the LEI information automatically. You can also filter by country to reduce the number of results you get.
What makes the database so trustworthy, is the ability for anyone to challenge data in a Legal Entity Identifier. If you think there is something wrong with the LEI data, you can tell us by clicking ‘Challenge LEI’ at the bottom of the results page and choosing between a simple challenge (writing in words what you think is wrong) or requesting a full validation and renewal of LEI.
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We use cookies to provide you with the best user experience and collect statistics about the use of our website. By clicking “Accept” you accept all cookies. More information is available here. NB! Live Chat needs optional cookies to function.
This is a testsite.
LEI Next Renewal Date:
The LEI code is currently managed by [current_lou]. However, you can transfer it to our partner Ubisecure Oy (RapidLEI).
The LEI has lapsed, and you must conduct an annual renewal with the transfer process.
Your LEI is currently being managed by [current_lou]. You are about to transfer your LEI under LEI Register management. To complete the process we need to transfer your LEI to our Partner LOU, RapidLEI. RapidLEI is a GLEIF accredited LEI issuer. Please choose below if you wish to just transfer your LEI or transfer and renew your LEI at the same time.
What is the difference between an LEI transfer and LEI renewal?
LEI renewal is an annual update of the registration data related to the Legal Entity in the GLEIF database. The data related to the entity has to be updated at least once a year.
LEI transfer is the movement of the LEI code from one service provider to another. The LEI is transferrable to ensure the client has a choice between the service providers. If the client is not happy with the fees, service or data quality it can move the LEI to another LEI issuer (LOU). In the process of transfer the LEI number does not change. It is a back-end process which is not visible to end customers. All the LEI codes are valid in every jurisdictions. Investment service providers can not differentiate the LEI numbers according to the LOU.
LEI Register offers a transfer service with an LEI renewal to ensure the highest level of data accuracy.
The transfer process allows you to switch service providers without incurring additional charges, enabling you to choose the service provider that best suits your requirements in terms of speed or affordability. It is a back-end process that will not modify your LEI code.
To continue with the renewal we first need to transfer your LEI, please use the LEI transfer form to continue with the renewal.
"Dear customer,
Your LEI is currently being managed by our partner LOU RapidLEI, but not under our management as a Registration Agent.
We appreciate your interest in our service but unfortunately can not currently support your entity. To renew your LEI, please contact RapidLEI directly at or visit their partner site to find your local partner.
Thank you for understanding!
LEI Register Support Team"
Do you agree with the transfer and continue to renew the LEI with the same application?
You are about to complete the LEI transfer application. As a final confirmation we need to make sure that you have on purpose selected LEI transfer without data renewal. Would you would still like to renew your LEI with the transfer ?
Dear customer, there is a possible duplicate match between your application and Global Legal Entity (GLEIF) database. Please check the information below to confirm if this is your company or not.
Reg nr:
Next renewal date:
In case this is your company information above, click YES to proceed to LEI renewal application. If you are sure this is not your entity, click NO and proceed with new LEI application.